Why you have to weigh your food at least once in life time. Phase 2

Jumping diet to diet.

Tried numerous diets yet failed to achieve the goal you want, or gained more than what you lost.

let’s get one thing clear, if you regained the weight or more that you lost, thats a FAIL.

It was a quick fix and that’s why it didn’t last long.

would you try a failure again and again? probably not.

When the plan is WRONG, the only way to fix it is by changing the PLAN. 

Try this instead

weigh everything before you eat.

In phase 2 It doesn’t matter whether the ingredient is cooked or raw. Just weigh it. 

Whether your partner cooked it or your mother in law.

You are in charge of how much you eat so weigh THOSE foods.

Again we don’t want to just be the weirdo who keep weighing their food right?

You might ask “what’s the point of weighing your food while somebody else is cooking?”

we have to reduce the amount of what we consume in order to achieve the result we want.

Remember in phase 1 I mentioned that the golden rule of any diet is consuming less than what we burn.

If you find out how much you consume and try to reduce it even by small amount it mean you consumed less than last week and the week before.

Eventually you end up consuming less calories than you burn.

It’s not just the weighing your food, its what are trying to achieve with weighing the food.

Do you know how much you eat last week? did you write it down? 

Here comes the food journal again, weigh everything you eat for a week, write it down, and the next week reduce the amount, its VERY IMPORTANT that you reduce only by 10 to15 grams per meal ONLY.


If you remove only 10g -15g you don’t feel you are on a diet and probably don’t feel hungry all the time.

Get your body use to craving less food just by taking small amount away.

Don’t rush it, this is not a quick fix, you are building a lifestyle here.


when you feel like you are hungry most of the time it’s time to move on phase 3.

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