Why you have to weigh your food once in life time.Phase 5

Phase 5: 

It’s a lifestyle and part of your identity.

With the help of your fitness coach you achieved your goals and now you need to maintain the result. Which means you know the calories you need to consume in order to MAINTAIN the current shape and fitness level.

Food preparation is key here, if you invest time in preparing your food its less likely that you end up eating junk food.

When It Comes To Food Preparation Here Are Some Few Tips

1. Purchase lots of food containers various sizes for your snacks and meals.This way you can easily take your food to work – if you prepare a healthy meal you won’t be tempted for those unhealthy office snacks.

2. Write a shopping list and block a certain time on the week to shop and prepare your food.

3. If you have help at home instead of asking to do your laundry ask them to wash and pack vegetables.

4. Keep your shopping list variable so you don’t eat broccoli 3 times a day, 7 days a week

5. Make your shopping list in to sections: protein/ carbohydrates/ fat and don’t forget those fibers with lots of colors.

6. Preparing your snacks is as important as your meals.

7. You can keep cooked rice in freezer for up to one week.

8. If you planning to have meal outside with friends you don’t need to over eat and jump on cardio machines. instead save 200 cal a day, at the end of the week you ll have 1400 cal to eat extra.

9. Food with higher volume can keep you fuller for longer amount of time such as oats and vegetables. plan to have these food on the time of day that you feel hungriest.

Life is full of challenge and constantly changing, so it’s important that you feel so confidence that no matter what challenge you face you are ready for it. You should be able to adjust your MEAL PLAN or DIET according to your life style.

For example if you were on Phase 4 while at nursing school and now you have a job which requires night shifts.
Are you able to wake up at 7AM and have a full breakfast when you got home at 5AM? Probably not.

You have to be your own coach. Understand your situation, plan for it, prepare, and execute.


To lose body fat you will need to be in a Calorie Deficit, this means burning more calories than you are consuming. If you are in a gaining phase then you will need to be in a Calorie Surplus, this means consuming more calories than you are burning. 
To understand how many calories you actually need, your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) needs to be calculated. This is done using a formula which takes your height, weight, gender and daily activity levels into account. TDEE, which is expressed as an average number of calories, includes the amount of energy required to perform basic bodily functions at rest (breathing, blinking) combined with the energy expended by your activities (workouts, walking to the shops). To gain weight, eat more calories than your TDEE. To lose weight, eat fewer calories.
Click Here to find out your TDEE.

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