Mirror Mirror On The Wall, This Is The Best Challenge Of All.

The Mirror Challenge

I was browsing on internet the other day and I came across an amazing challenge by Iskra Lawrence, she partnered with Clevver and the lounged a challenge called “The Mirror Challenge with Iskra”.I thought this is something we can and defiantly should do as part of our fitness journey. We all look at ourselves in the mirror couple of times a day.

To brush the hair and teeth or fix our make up, to see if that heels matches that dress, to check if our body changed after workout and so on, but it’s never as simple as it sounds right? 

Its not like okey I’m done with make up or I fixed my hair let’s hit the road.

And I’m not talking to the ladies only, this goes for men as well.There is something about That mirror that it’s some how gets to us. 

9 out of 10 we start doubting our appearance and questioning our progress.

While this is an issue that needs to be looked at deeply, we can change the way how we see ourselves in it. 

Thats why I created this Mirror challenge!

We all look at ourselves in the mirror couple of times a day. Here is the challenge, every time you pass a mirror, check and fix your posture and maybe bust a few dance movesas well.

Make sure you take videos and share on social media and tag us, we are giving away one LYAN bag for the funnies video

You might ask why? and what if I don’t know how to fix my posture?

Don’t worry we got you

First thing first 

Why having a good posture is important? Having good posture can give you more confidence, prevent chronic neck and back pain, create higher flows of oxygen throughout your body, and help alleviate heart problems.

 Good posture is a way to create a healthier you with only a small amount of effort.Thats why we put together a number of stretch and movements that you can perform to stretch and have a better posture.

Day 1

Movement one: 10 Neck Rolls x2
While standing (or sitting), roll your neck forward and back in a circular slow motion.
Movement two: Neck Stretch
Sit on a bench or stability ball with your feet flat on the floor and your torso straight.
Depress chest with one hand.
Rotate head to opposite side.
Bring the head back until you feel the stretch.
Repeat the same stretch to the other side.

Day 2

Movement one: 10 Shoulder Rolls x2
While standing (or sitting), roll your shoulders forward and back in a circular motion.
Movement two: Shoulder Stretch
Bring your left arm across your chest, holding it below the elbow with your opposite arm. Bring elbow and arm towards chest while keeping the shoulders relaxed away from the ears. Hold this position for 10-30 seconds.

Day 3

Movement one: Superman for 30 seconds x2
Lie face down with arms out straight in front of you, keeping your neck in a neutral position. Raise your arms and gently extend the spine to raise the chest slightly off the floor to a comfortable height, and raise the legs off the ground. The arms and legs should be several inches off the floor. Pause and hold this raised position for a few seconds. Repeat.
Movement two: Spine Stretch
Lie on your back on a stability ball with your legs bent, put your feel on the floor for stability. Stretch your arms over your head in line with your body.Slowly lower your buttocks toward the floor while stretching your arms as far away as possible so that you stretch your back and abdominal muscles. Hold the stretch for 30 seconds while breathing slowly and regularly.

Day 4

Movement one: Chest Release 1 minute x2
While sitting or standing, place your arms out wide level to your shoulder. Move your arms in a front and back motion.
Movement two: Shoulder Squeeze Stretch
Interlock your fingers behind your back. Squeeze together your shoulders and gently move your arms closer to your head as far as you can. Hold for 10-30 seconds.

Day 5

Movement one: Floor Twist 1 min
Lie down on your back with your arms out to the sides and your shoulders pressed in to the floor. Squeeze your legs together, bend them at the right angle, and lift them into air. Turn your head to the left and twist your lower body to the right until your entire right leg is resting on the floor. Hold this position and take the time to relax and breath deeply.Repeat the exercise on the other side.

Day 6

Movement one: Seated Side Stretch
Sit Down with your torso straight and put your left hand on your waist. slightly contract your buttocks to disassociate your upper and lower body.
Bend your right arm and place it above your head .Bend your torso slightly to the left to stretch your shoulder and waist thoroughly.Hold the stretch for 20 second, being careful to inhale and exhale regularly. Repeat the stretch on the other side.

Day 7

Movement one: Glute Stretch
Lie on your back and raise your right leg, bending it at the knee and placing it perpendicular to your body.Lift your left leg and bend it as well. Bring it toward you until the knee touches the ankle of your right leg.Grab your left thigh with both hands and hold the stretch for 30 seconds.repeat the exercise on the other side.
Movement two: Inner thighs (adductors) & hamstring
from standing position, do a lunge to the side. If the tip of the foot on the straight leg is pointing up, this will  stretch the adductors and hamstring. 
if the foot of the straight leg is on the floor, this will primarily stretch the the adductors.
Hold your chosen position for 30 second while breathing slowly and regularly.change side and repeat the exercise.
*If the foot of the straight leg is on the floor, this will primarily stretch the the adductors.
**If the foot of the straight leg is pointing toward the ceiling, this will primarily stretch the the hamstring.

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