Why detox is BS

Before defining what detox is according to the people who support the various detox methods, let’s take a minute to elaborate on the word itself.
de·tox | \ ˈdē-ˌtäks  , di-ˈtäks \
program or facility for assisting a person undergoing detoxification from an intoxicating or addictive substance.
regimen or treatment intended to remove toxins and impurities from the body.

Detox is the fancy term that marketers used to position some products about depuration as a choice and about depurating your body from toxins. By using a short version of the word detoxification, marketers aimed to point out suggestive methods to detoxify your body for better health without clearly stating that the product would detoxify anything.

Today, we use the word detox informally as a substitute or synonym for detoxifying. However, the reality is that the word itself reminds us of all the tricks involved in the wellness epidemic. For example, a detox diet suggests some food to help people to detoxify their bodies. However, any non-scientific method can lead to numerous health hazards. Detox lifestyles propose customers and followers some habits that may not be their best options.

The popular definition of detox is a series of actions that lead to a better and healthier life.

have you ever remember your grandmother invite you over for a detox Sunday? I doubt it, it was mostly for food and bake goods. 
its been only few years that we hear different ways of detoxification.

As many marketing words, the word detox is short and suggestive. This word has become so popular thanks to the decline of the health care system and the rise of influencers. As the Internet became more and more accessible to more people around the world, the new globalized market of magic bullets for improving a better lifestyle could count on countless potential customers. Hyping and scamming have been constant throughout the history of humankind, so it does not surprise that detox is just more of the same.

Detox got some traction thanks to celebrities as well. In 2008, Gwyneth Paltrow was among the first to share some tips about keeping yourself healthy and cleansing your body. She did it to promote Goop. However, it sparked a discussion about the detoxification of the body. Marketers picked up on that pretty quickly and capitalized on the desire of people who suffer to find a better cure and the secret to perfect health.

You can visit any social media today and find many videos and posts about miracle cures and detox secrets. Have you ever see that picture on Facebook of people with onions in their socks? They get more than 13 million views and interactions. 166.000 shares every week are enough to understand how badly people want a miracle cure to exist.

 Being healthy requires discipline and effort. Physical exercise is no way as pleasant as to believe shortcuts exist.

Then again, many gurus thought it was a good idea to eliminate junk food from the diet. Not every detox idea sounds terrible, but the problem with those is the tradeoff, just like with any diet

A detox diet is a low-calorie diet. Eating less of a particular group of food or eating more of another. It is not suitable for anyone. Without medical supervision, any diet can lead to various consequences. Besides, there is no way for the people who follow the diet to measure how many toxins he or she removed, if ever.

The liver, kidneys, intestines, and skin are the organs in charge of depurating our bodies from toxins. Nonetheless, some toxins depend on the quality of the environment we live in. Take POPs, BPS, and heavy metals: persistent organic pollutants, as well as PCB and DDT, will not degrade like other organic compounds. They can also enter our bodies, where they remain for a very long time.

Ironically, for these health hazards to disappear, more attention to the quality of the air and the environment is needed. However, you will never see a detox guru fight against the abuse of industrial production, which leads to these pollutants. You will hear them saying the more convenient things, but they will never bite the hands that feed them.

A detox diet will not improve your health if the whole lifestyle is compromised.
like Weight Loss Pills ,Using Diuretics.


We can not target a specific organ and help to detoxify itself by eating a particular food. The popular beliefs that some food may help are just sayings with no scientific evidence.
On the other hand, the power of belief and following some healthy advice in a detox lifestyle can lead to minor improvements, such as losing excess body fat and exercising more.

But why not accepting it as a new healthy lifestyle which could last forever while Detox is a short term solution?

The popular idea of avoiding processed foods and prefer green or white tea to sodas has positive effects on the digestive system. Even sound tips like practicing meditation and relaxing more are useful. However, the baseline is that you do not need a detox lifestyle to do this. You just need to adapt to a healthy lifestyle and repeat these habits again and again until they become your identity.

The bottom line is that any detox diet is an alluring eyeglass you can try on to see the world differently. Your body has always taken care of depurating itself from harmful toxins. Smart choices about a better lifestyle will lead to better health.

The only detox you need is losing any negative influence on your life. They prevent you from experiencing the best that this world has to offer. Negative Nancies, people that have something negative to say about abeseloutly everything (I bet you already have some in mind don’t you?),energy vampires, and hypocrites can lead to several damages, just like unhealthy foods will lead to health problems. 

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